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Be a good one?

Be good? (08.04.21– Potential! ––John 10: 10)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Sometimes do we focus so much on the major successes, we overlook the small ones, the foundation stones for the big ones?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

There's a little plaque that hangs in our downstairs bathroom. It's an adage attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "Whatever you are, be a good one." "Whatever you are, be a good one." Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? But, when you think about it, there's a whole lot of truth to it. All of us are looking for success in life. While we can't avoid failure, striving for success helps put those occasional failures into perspective. One thing that I've always felt about success however is this: you have to start with the small things like having a successful day, doing well in my tasks for the day and striving for success in my relationships with others . . . today!

Sometimes we focus so much on the major successes, we overlook the small ones, the foundation stones for the big ones.

Here's a thought from Bob Perks: In this day I choose living not just for the sake of passing time. I choose to take advantage of the milliseconds between my breath and my sigh. In this day I will make up for time lost by living between my thoughts and my action. I will live up to my potential, which through God's Grace is unlimited. In this day I will help someone else find the greatest secret of all. While we spend our lives in pursuit of success and happiness, we have all that we will ever need from the moment of conception until our last breath. In this day I will acknowledge that I am a magnificent creation capable of great accomplishments. I am one of a kind. Never before in the history of human existence and never again will there be, another me. I have a purpose, a mission and with that a responsibility to fulfill those goals. Then in my last day on this earth I will leave filled with joy to a better place knowing that I have served my purpose and completed my mission, however simple. I will leave behind my energy that will disperse into every rock, and tree and molecule. I will become a part of the color, the light, the breath of life for others to consume. I will not wither to the ground as a failure and serve as a pathway. I will rise with the sun to bring joy forever to those who will dream after me. I am important. I am successful. I am God's creation! I am alive! ("In this Day"© 1997 Bob Perks taken from "The Flight of a Lifetime!")

Life is one step after another leading toward our full potential. We ought to always be grasping for that just beyond our reach. If not, what is heaven for? That grasping begins with today and never ends as long as we are alive and able. That grasping is immediate and ought to be focused on what and whom we see every day. Our mission, yours and mine, is to make sure that we not only live up to our long-term potential but, even more importantly, to our short-term, daily potential. My friend, whatever you are today, be a good one, a very good one!

We pray. Heavenly Father, our lives are one step after another leading toward our full potential always led by Your Spirit and Your Word. Lord, help us to always be grasping for that which is just beyond our reach. If not, really, what is heaven for? O Lord may that grasping begin today and never ends as long as we are alive and are able. Forgive us when we give up, loose our patience and claim defeat. Make our grasping immediate and focused on what and whom we see every day. May our mission be to make sure that we not only live up to our long-term potential but, even more importantly, to our short-term, daily potential. Whatever we are today, may we be a good one, a very good one! In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Be a good one?

Be good? (08.04.21– Potential! ––John 10: 10)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Sometimes do we focus so much on the major successes, we overlook the small ones, the foundation stones for the big ones?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

There's a little plaque that hangs in our downstairs bathroom. It's an adage attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "Whatever you are, be a good one." "Whatever you are, be a good one." Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? But, when you think about it, there's a whole lot of truth to it. All of us are looking for success in life. While we can't avoid failure, striving for success helps put those occasional failures into perspective. One thing that I've always felt about success however is this: you have to start with the small things like having a successful day, doing well in my tasks for the day and striving for success in my relationships with others . . . today!

Sometimes we focus so much on the major successes, we overlook the small ones, the foundation stones for the big ones.

Here's a thought from Bob Perks: In this day I choose living not just for the sake of passing time. I choose to take advantage of the milliseconds between my breath and my sigh. In this day I will make up for time lost by living between my thoughts and my action. I will live up to my potential, which through God's Grace is unlimited. In this day I will help someone else find the greatest secret of all. While we spend our lives in pursuit of success and happiness, we have all that we will ever need from the moment of conception until our last breath. In this day I will acknowledge that I am a magnificent creation capable of great accomplishments. I am one of a kind. Never before in the history of human existence and never again will there be, another me. I have a purpose, a mission and with that a responsibility to fulfill those goals. Then in my last day on this earth I will leave filled with joy to a better place knowing that I have served my purpose and completed my mission, however simple. I will leave behind my energy that will disperse into every rock, and tree and molecule. I will become a part of the color, the light, the breath of life for others to consume. I will not wither to the ground as a failure and serve as a pathway. I will rise with the sun to bring joy forever to those who will dream after me. I am important. I am successful. I am God's creation! I am alive! ("In this Day"© 1997 Bob Perks taken from "The Flight of a Lifetime!")

Life is one step after another leading toward our full potential. We ought to always be grasping for that just beyond our reach. If not, what is heaven for? That grasping begins with today and never ends as long as we are alive and able. That grasping is immediate and ought to be focused on what and whom we see every day. Our mission, yours and mine, is to make sure that we not only live up to our long-term potential but, even more importantly, to our short-term, daily potential. My friend, whatever you are today, be a good one, a very good one!

We pray. Heavenly Father, our lives are one step after another leading toward our full potential always led by Your Spirit and Your Word. Lord, help us to always be grasping for that which is just beyond our reach. If not, really, what is heaven for? O Lord may that grasping begin today and never ends as long as we are alive and are able. Forgive us when we give up, loose our patience and claim defeat. Make our grasping immediate and focused on what and whom we see every day. May our mission be to make sure that we not only live up to our long-term potential but, even more importantly, to our short-term, daily potential. Whatever we are today, may we be a good one, a very good one! In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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