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Closed system? A hot water heating system in your home is a “closed heating system.” It works on the principle that only water is present in the pipes. When air gets into the delivery lines, the water becomes a much more inefficient as a heating source.

Think about it. The church displays a closed system love; a system embracing a cycle of forgiveness, grace, works, and blessings.

God’s Word tells us: “… if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us” (1 John 5).

Sin however make God’s perfect system of love and life run less than smoothly. If enough sin enters into the picture, our spiritual lives can suffer and the message of salvation can loose its fervor. When this happens, the cycle of grace, so perfectly designed, is invaded by lies and untruth. The air of untruth gets in the lines of grace. When that happens, it’s time to bleed the lines. We need to take the time to read God’s Word, pray and worship. In so doing, we bleed the system and restore it to spiritual balance.

“I pray today in Jesus name that when sin invades our lives and the perfect cycle of love and forgiveness has been compromised, we take our emptiness to God and ask Him to restore our spiritual balance.” Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)



Closed system? A hot water heating system in your home is a “closed heating system.” It works on the principle that only water is present in the pipes. When air gets into the delivery lines, the water becomes a much more inefficient as a heating source.

Think about it. The church displays a closed system love; a system embracing a cycle of forgiveness, grace, works, and blessings.

God’s Word tells us: “… if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us” (1 John 5).

Sin however make God’s perfect system of love and life run less than smoothly. If enough sin enters into the picture, our spiritual lives can suffer and the message of salvation can loose its fervor. When this happens, the cycle of grace, so perfectly designed, is invaded by lies and untruth. The air of untruth gets in the lines of grace. When that happens, it’s time to bleed the lines. We need to take the time to read God’s Word, pray and worship. In so doing, we bleed the system and restore it to spiritual balance.

“I pray today in Jesus name that when sin invades our lives and the perfect cycle of love and forgiveness has been compromised, we take our emptiness to God and ask Him to restore our spiritual balance.” Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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