Those thorns? The beauty of who we are is that we’re here for one purpose, to tell others about the Good News of Christ, the fact that he lives and we too shall live forever. But, just as Jesus came not for the godly but to call sinners to repentance, so too ought we to heed that call.
Think about it. Christ came to dwell among the “thorns.” These were his neighbors and, eventually, they left Him with a crown of thorns. If we want to serve God and follow Christ, we as well need to take that thorny path and “reign” as the redeemed in the “midst” of prickly sinners and thorny, evil men.
God’s Word tells us: “He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.” Psalm110: 1-7).
There is only one way to enjoy walking in the woods; you need to be able to walk among its trees, ignoring whatever thorny, undergrowth that might be encountered. There’s but one, way to bring God’s Word to our neighbors. We need to walk among them–thorns and all.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)