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All bets?

04.09.21 Christ Is Risen!--Matthew 28:1-7

My friend, may I ask you a question? If Easter is also the story of the One who was transformed from death to life; who in His death became life? And now,

are all bets off?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Years ago I worked at a summer camp as a dishwasher. My best friend Marcus worked with me washing dishes and bussing tables. We were pretty much inseparable from June through August. During our lunch hours we took our break in the game room as it was a good place to eat lunch and also play table tennis. Marcus was an expert player; although we were the best of friends, he became a different person when on the other side of that table tennis net. "All bets were off when he picked up a paddle. Marcus was transformed into a competitive and aggressive opponent whose goal was to defeat me, not befriend me. In a sense, the Marcus I knew working wasn't the Marcus I knew playing the game. As summer went on, I became accustomed to working with the two Marcus's; the one during the course of the day's work and the other whenever we were locked into competition. Both looked the same; but neither reflected the other in character.

Easter is also the story of the one who was transformed; who in his death became life. And now, all bets were off.

Here's an Easter story: When the women came to visit he tomb of their friend and teacher, the crucified one, early on the morn of a new week, their expectation was that they would see the man that they had loved so dearly the past three years. They were expecting to see his body, the hands and arms that had reached out to them; the face that had smiled upon them. They expected to see Jesus of Nazareth, Rabboni, their special teacher and friend. Instead, they found a strange man sitting on the rolled stone. There was no body, no Jesus, no teacher and friend. The whole situation didn't fit their understanding of what should have been. Somehow, everything had changed. The angel's words were stunning. "He isn't here; he has risen, just as he said." The Teacher arisen? Suddenly the image of Jesus had been transformed. Who had been their teacher, flesh and blood, was no longer the same man. In fact, he was no mere man at all! Jesus, the teacher who was dead, is Jesus, the risen one! Suddenly, as the women raced to tell the disciples, they knew that now, "all bets were off!" Something had happened to change everything and somehow they knew it would never be the same.

Jesus is alive and well and, indeed, all bets are off! What had been is no longer; what we knew is no more. He is perfectly transformed; He has become the "NOT HERE" Christ, the one who is not dead but alive. And, my friend, because we share in that resurrection, we share in that condition. Did you know, you are "NOT HERE" either? We are no longer of this world but merely in it. Heaven, where He reigns, is now our true home as well. Hallelujah! Christ is arisen. He is arisen indeed!

We pray. Heavenly Father, Jesus is alive and well and, indeed, all bets are off! What had been is no longer; what we knew is no more. He is perfectly transformed; He has become the "NOT HERE" Christ, the One Who is not dead but alive. Lord, forgive us when we forget but for a moment that Jesus lives and what that means for us as believers. We will live and not see death as well because He lives in us. Because we share in that resurrection, we share in His condition. We are "NOT HERE" either? We are no longer of this world but merely in it. Heaven, where He reigns, is now our true home as well. Hallelujah! Thank You dear Father that Christ is arisen. He is arisen indeed! In His name I pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


All bets?

04.09.21 Christ Is Risen!--Matthew 28:1-7

My friend, may I ask you a question? If Easter is also the story of the One who was transformed from death to life; who in His death became life? And now,

are all bets off?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Years ago I worked at a summer camp as a dishwasher. My best friend Marcus worked with me washing dishes and bussing tables. We were pretty much inseparable from June through August. During our lunch hours we took our break in the game room as it was a good place to eat lunch and also play table tennis. Marcus was an expert player; although we were the best of friends, he became a different person when on the other side of that table tennis net. "All bets were off when he picked up a paddle. Marcus was transformed into a competitive and aggressive opponent whose goal was to defeat me, not befriend me. In a sense, the Marcus I knew working wasn't the Marcus I knew playing the game. As summer went on, I became accustomed to working with the two Marcus's; the one during the course of the day's work and the other whenever we were locked into competition. Both looked the same; but neither reflected the other in character.

Easter is also the story of the one who was transformed; who in his death became life. And now, all bets were off.

Here's an Easter story: When the women came to visit he tomb of their friend and teacher, the crucified one, early on the morn of a new week, their expectation was that they would see the man that they had loved so dearly the past three years. They were expecting to see his body, the hands and arms that had reached out to them; the face that had smiled upon them. They expected to see Jesus of Nazareth, Rabboni, their special teacher and friend. Instead, they found a strange man sitting on the rolled stone. There was no body, no Jesus, no teacher and friend. The whole situation didn't fit their understanding of what should have been. Somehow, everything had changed. The angel's words were stunning. "He isn't here; he has risen, just as he said." The Teacher arisen? Suddenly the image of Jesus had been transformed. Who had been their teacher, flesh and blood, was no longer the same man. In fact, he was no mere man at all! Jesus, the teacher who was dead, is Jesus, the risen one! Suddenly, as the women raced to tell the disciples, they knew that now, "all bets were off!" Something had happened to change everything and somehow they knew it would never be the same.

Jesus is alive and well and, indeed, all bets are off! What had been is no longer; what we knew is no more. He is perfectly transformed; He has become the "NOT HERE" Christ, the one who is not dead but alive. And, my friend, because we share in that resurrection, we share in that condition. Did you know, you are "NOT HERE" either? We are no longer of this world but merely in it. Heaven, where He reigns, is now our true home as well. Hallelujah! Christ is arisen. He is arisen indeed!

We pray. Heavenly Father, Jesus is alive and well and, indeed, all bets are off! What had been is no longer; what we knew is no more. He is perfectly transformed; He has become the "NOT HERE" Christ, the One Who is not dead but alive. Lord, forgive us when we forget but for a moment that Jesus lives and what that means for us as believers. We will live and not see death as well because He lives in us. Because we share in that resurrection, we share in His condition. We are "NOT HERE" either? We are no longer of this world but merely in it. Heaven, where He reigns, is now our true home as well. Hallelujah! Thank You dear Father that Christ is arisen. He is arisen indeed! In His name I pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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