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A simple touch?

(04.27.21 – Encouragement! – 2 Timothy 4:11)

My friend, may I ask you a question? For some reason, God has chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. The question is: will you use them even when they are not obvious?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Everyone seems to have a purpose; but what is mine? Do you sometimes wonder just what your calling in life is? For some it seems pretty obvious. Don’t you just envy those people who because of their strong personalities and obvious talents make such wonderful leaders? They’re able to grasp just about any situation in life, determine what is needed, collect a team and then reach the goal, never looking back. Or, you may know someone who is really good with verbal skills. They can get up in front of a group and tell a story that might make people laugh or even shed a tear that they did- n’t even know was there. Aren’t those just amazing people? Their spiritual gifts seem pretty obvious to us all.

For some reason, God has chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. And, in some instances, He has hidden the gifts so subtly that even the person who has been so blessed does not even know the gift. If you don’t think that you are so blessed, take a moment to get a better understanding of how you might be affect- ing people right now and, perhaps, don’t even know it.

Here's a thought from Chuck Swindoll: "In a cartoon some years ago a little guy was taking heat from his sister and friends for a newly found "calling"––patting little birds on the head. The distressed birds would approach, lower their lit- tle feathered heads to be patted, sigh deeply, and walk away satisfied. It brought him no end of fulfillment––in spite of the teasing he took from others. 'What's wrong with patting birds on the head?' he wanted to know. 'What's wrong with it?' his embarrassed friends replied. 'Just that . . . No one else does it!' If your niche is encouraging, please don't stop. If it is embracing, demonstrating compassion, and mercy to feathers that have been ruffled and bruised by adversity, for goodness' sake, keep stroking. Don't quit, whatever you do. If God made you a 'patter,' then keep on patting." (Swindoll)

Life is full of people who do great things as well as people who do small things. The fact that your gift might never make the headlines of your local newspaper is of little consequence to God. John Mark, the young man in the Bible that God sent along on several mission journeys with the apostle Paul, had a gift. It was not perhaps the preaching skills of Paul or the evangelistic skills of Peter. Nevertheless, his gift was important in the life of Paul. John Mark provided Paul encouragement and comfort at a time when he needed it. Do you know someone today who could use a kind word or a simple pat on the head? Don’t waste a minute in using the gift God has given you and every Christian. 'For goodness' sake, keep stroking!’

We pray. Heavenly Father, in Your wisdom You have chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. Thank You for the gifts You have given me. Please forgive me for the times that, even though I was not aware of them, I chose not to use them. You are wise in that, in some instances, You have hidden the gifts so subtly that we are not aware of these blessings, but it does not excuse us from not using them. We are so blessed in Your wisdom. Send us Your Holy Spirit to give us a better understanding of how we might be affecting people right now and, perhaps, don’t even know it. Keep us on an encouraging pathway throughout our lives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


A simple touch?

(04.27.21 – Encouragement! – 2 Timothy 4:11)

My friend, may I ask you a question? For some reason, God has chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. The question is: will you use them even when they are not obvious?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Everyone seems to have a purpose; but what is mine? Do you sometimes wonder just what your calling in life is? For some it seems pretty obvious. Don’t you just envy those people who because of their strong personalities and obvious talents make such wonderful leaders? They’re able to grasp just about any situation in life, determine what is needed, collect a team and then reach the goal, never looking back. Or, you may know someone who is really good with verbal skills. They can get up in front of a group and tell a story that might make people laugh or even shed a tear that they did- n’t even know was there. Aren’t those just amazing people? Their spiritual gifts seem pretty obvious to us all.

For some reason, God has chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. And, in some instances, He has hidden the gifts so subtly that even the person who has been so blessed does not even know the gift. If you don’t think that you are so blessed, take a moment to get a better understanding of how you might be affect- ing people right now and, perhaps, don’t even know it.

Here's a thought from Chuck Swindoll: "In a cartoon some years ago a little guy was taking heat from his sister and friends for a newly found "calling"––patting little birds on the head. The distressed birds would approach, lower their lit- tle feathered heads to be patted, sigh deeply, and walk away satisfied. It brought him no end of fulfillment––in spite of the teasing he took from others. 'What's wrong with patting birds on the head?' he wanted to know. 'What's wrong with it?' his embarrassed friends replied. 'Just that . . . No one else does it!' If your niche is encouraging, please don't stop. If it is embracing, demonstrating compassion, and mercy to feathers that have been ruffled and bruised by adversity, for goodness' sake, keep stroking. Don't quit, whatever you do. If God made you a 'patter,' then keep on patting." (Swindoll)

Life is full of people who do great things as well as people who do small things. The fact that your gift might never make the headlines of your local newspaper is of little consequence to God. John Mark, the young man in the Bible that God sent along on several mission journeys with the apostle Paul, had a gift. It was not perhaps the preaching skills of Paul or the evangelistic skills of Peter. Nevertheless, his gift was important in the life of Paul. John Mark provided Paul encouragement and comfort at a time when he needed it. Do you know someone today who could use a kind word or a simple pat on the head? Don’t waste a minute in using the gift God has given you and every Christian. 'For goodness' sake, keep stroking!’

We pray. Heavenly Father, in Your wisdom You have chosen to give some gifts that are easily discovered and revealed and to others not. Thank You for the gifts You have given me. Please forgive me for the times that, even though I was not aware of them, I chose not to use them. You are wise in that, in some instances, You have hidden the gifts so subtly that we are not aware of these blessings, but it does not excuse us from not using them. We are so blessed in Your wisdom. Send us Your Holy Spirit to give us a better understanding of how we might be affecting people right now and, perhaps, don’t even know it. Keep us on an encouraging pathway throughout our lives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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