A guy thing? I’ve always been someone who took great pride in being able to undertake a heavy load and get it done with a minimum of help from others. As my wife Holly reminds me, “It’s a guy thing.” There’s just something about being able to pick up a burden that’s slightly larger than the last one and lift it.
Think about it. There’s a place for self-reliance, but it should never be ahead of trust in the One, who out of love for us, beckons us to rely on Him, our Heavenly Father.
God’s Word tells us: “For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed …. the just shall live by faith” (Deuteronomy 1:13).
And since He reveals Himself in love through others, others ought to be the ones we rely on first. The true “guy thing” is really all about how often and honestly we pull other “guys” into our lives to share our burdens. Truly, when you think about it, that requires a whole lot more of courage and grit than foolishly doing it ourselves.
“Heavenly Father, O merciful and mighty Jesus, as I fall down before you, I upload these needs to you. Jesus, it's only because you bore the burden of the law's demands and judgment for me; it's only because you say to me, “Cast all your care upon me, for I care for you”. In Jesus name Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com